Stop wasting time on people who look good on paper but can't do the job.
Find top candidates with work-sample skill tests.
Mix questions for different skills or even custom questions in one test.
Choose from 150+ pre-made tests.
Use questions with the highest predictive validity: work-sample or general mental ability.
Extra Large pack rate is $7 per candidate.
Only pay for tested candidates.
Check pricing.
From Java classes to Excel formulas, all questions are evaluated automatically.
If 80% of candidates fail the test, you can focus on the top 20%.
TestDome is a provider of high-quality pre-employment screening tests.
Our tests cover a wide range of disciplines, each focused on measuring a candidate's ability to perform a specific skill.
TestDome uses work-sample testing methodology - candidates are evaluated using samples of actual work.
The problem TestDome solves is probably best summarized by one of Jeff Atwood's most famous blog posts:
It works similar to any prepaid service.
Purchase a pack to add the appropriate number of invites to your TestDome balance.
An invite is spent each time a candidate is invited to a test, either by email or URL.
You can combine questions for different skills into a single test so that you don't have to send separate invites to the same candidate.
If an invited candidate does not take the test within 6 days, their invite will be refunded to your balance.