What we offer

For recruiters

Access a complete marketplace of recruitment solutions, from software tools to service providers. Compare features, read reviews, and choose the tools that align with your business goals.

For suppliers

Showcase your products or services to a highly targeted audience actively searching for recruitment solutions. Boost visibility, build credibility, and generate meaningful leads.

For the industry

Stay informed with detailed product descriptions, expert insights, and unbiased reviews that empower better decision-making.

Our mission is simple: to bridge the gap between recruiters and suppliers by providing a transparent, easy-to-navigate platform that fosters growth and innovation.

No bias

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! We’re a free community dedicated to helping those in recruitment, be it business owners, decision makers, interal teams or consultants, grow their skills and take advantage of the right tools for their business.

Originally, we didn’t. We wanted to prove concept to the market. Now, ® offers suppliers and service providers a paid plan to subscribe to, offering a wide range of benefits.

Simply put – it’s a discount or reward. We’ve worked tirelessly to secure the very best deals for our users, to ensure they get maximum value from their suppliers. As a user, you don’t pay to benefit from a RecPerk!

Not at all. This is something we’re very firm on. All data we gather is used to make the platform better by understanding our user behaviors.

Simple! Click here to start the process of getting your business listed on our site for free.